Sunday, April 13, 2014

I've Got a Fever, and the Only Prescription is More Running

Earlier this week I had to take a 4 day hiatus from running due to a ridiculous work schedule.  I was completely exhausted after working a 40 hour work week in just 2 days, with about 6 hours of sleep over a 3 day span, so needless to say, my body needed a break.  I was crazy enough to think, however, that I could possibly sneak in a run during that time I spent in the desert, but all they did was collect dust in the back of a Suburban while we built almost 50 bombs for a Harrier exercise during Weapons and Tactics Instruction.
After I returned to the base on Wednesday, I crashed for a glorious nap, which turned into a great night's sleep, but as I awoke, I felt refreshed and terrible at the same time.  Refreshed from the sleep I finally got, but terrible because I realized I hadn't ran since last Saturday.  This is the fever I speak of, so I gave myself a healthy dose of running over the next 4 days, speed work on the track on Thursday, a 6 miler on Friday, 4 on Saturday which I turned into an unexpected tempo run (craved a little more speed), and a long 12 miles this morning for a grand total of 25 miles in 4 consecutive days!  The prescription was just the right amount to get my mind right and set the world straight, and even though I am sore as all get out, I feel freakin' amazing!
Runner's know exactly what I'm talking about when I talk about that fever, and there's no better feeling than getting over it with some good ol' fashioned effort, full of sunshine and sweat.  So if you're feeling a little down or sluggish, get out there and soak up some rays, turn on your favorite playlist, and hit the road for some of that sweet step after step thing we call running!  It will clear your mind, leave you feeling accomplished, and set you straight for the rest of the day, no matter what may come at you!  Yeah buddy!!

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