Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Joy of Training

 So I was wondering what to write about for a week, then it hit me while I was reading the book ‘Run’, by Matt Fitzgerald in the pool today after my workout and trail run….I was so happy at the moment with my current workout schedule/life and as I was thinking that, Matt also mentioned  in his book that a happy runner is a fit runner and will probably get more out of his workout than someone who isn’t enjoying their program.  I know that some of you are reading this and saying, “WTF, it’s snowing outside, and this guy is in San Diego where it’s 78 degrees and he’s chilling in the pool?!”  Yep, get over it, or move to San Diego!  So that is the reason for my post this evening, to tell you to workout however you need to in order to stay engaged and interested in what you’re doing.  If it’s fun and you enjoy it, then it will work for you.  When you start to feel lethargic and tired and get that unmotivated feeling of having to go workout, it’s time to make a change.  Set new goals for yourself in order to keep things interesting, and do it often.  Here are some avenues of approach.
Crossfit- Okay, while I don’t actively engage in Crossfit, here are some reasons it is pure money.  One, it can be done in about 20 minutes!  Crossfit focuses on compound movements and normally incorporates only one or two exercises per day and has you work on doing it in a prescribed time or set/rep range.  So typically you can finish a workout very quickly, but beware, it’s not for the faint at heart!  Two, it’s free fitness advice.  The website, although a little confusing and hard to navigate because of all the information on it, has all kinds of workout example videos, training regiments, and nutrition advice.  Coincidentally, I happen to agree with most if not all the advice on the website, so whoever writes all of it is a pure genius, haha!  Three, you will never run out of workouts.  There are more moves on there than you can shake a stick at…that’s for my fiancé (inside joke).  But seriously, Crossfit incorporates so many sports, from swimming to gymnastics and covers many varieties of ways to use compound movements to achieve a higher level of fitness than most people are used to.  This program is really good when you need to shake things up a bit, and try your hand at some Olympic weightlifting techniques or just flat out want to kick your own ass!  It’s primary goal is core strength and conditioning, and it will succeed in both of this if followed correctly, so good luck!
P90X- Along with Crossfit, this is an ass-kicker!  I have done this program and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Unlike Crossfit,  this workout plan is perfectly laid out for you with an easy to follow DVD system.  For those of you without the time to go to a gym or have to stay home with the kids, this is the program for you.  All you need is a set of strength bands/dumbbells, and a pullup bar (which you can buy for around 10 bucks at Walmart or sports store) and you are on your way to a better body, guaranteed.  Tony Horton guides you on a 90 day expedition of “muscle confusion” and incorporates core building exercises and yoga along with strength training.  Best of all, it comes with a 90 day nutrition plan, mapping out exactly what you need to eat throughout the program.  I can’t say enough about this program, and again I will stress that this is perfect for someone who needs to workout at home, so there is no excuse for you not to get into the best shape of your life. 
5x5- This program is a strength builder, period.  If you are having trouble with strength gains and are stuck on that awful thing called a plateau, try this for 4 weeks and prepare to watch your gains go through the roof.  The idea of this program is simple: 5 reps times 5 sets.  So for example on Bench Press, say you think you can do 225lbs five times and on the first set you get 3 reps, drop the weight to 205 for your second set and try to get to five.  If you do, throw some 2 ½’s on each side and try 210 for five reps on your third set.  Then continue on until your five sets are through and you have lifted the most possible weight fives times for each set completed.  Here’s what it looks like:
  1. 225x3
  2. 205x5
  3. 210x5
  4. 215x4
  5. 210x5
So just because you didn’t achieve 5 reps on every set, you attempted to lift the most weight in order to try and achieve the 5 reps.  Do this for 3 or four exercises per body part and workout 5 days a week splitting your body into the following groups in this order: Back, Chest, Legs, Shoulders, Biceps/Triceps.  Call me after the 4 weeks and thank me after you hit a new personal best in your lifts, haha!
Hard Run/Easy Run- This program is for all you hardcore runners out there looking to increase either you mileage or your run times.  For 4 weeks try this out:
Monday- Hard tempo run, meaning you set a pace slightly faster than you are used to running and see how far you can keep it up.
Tuesday- Easy run, meaning just a mediocre distance at a nice easy pace.
Wednesday- Hard interval run, meaning you run your ass off for a little bit, followed by a resting jog.  Do this for intervals such as 2 minutes fast, 1 minute slow and try and keep it up for about 20-30 mins.
Thursday- Easy run.
Friday-Long run, meaning you force yourself to run a longer distance than you are used to.
Saturday- Easy run for recovery.
Sunday- REST
Set a goal for yourself, be it a 10k personal best, half-marathon, or marathon but be sure you log your runs so you can measure your progress.
So those are just a few suggestions,  but really the main focus of this blog is to keep it fun for yourself.  Enjoy your routine and you will get the most out of your efforts, hate your routine and you will fall victim to what I see everyday at the office (gym) which is overweight 40 year old women with that sad, pathetic I’dratherbedoingsomethingelse look on their face while they slug away on the elyptical machine.  Knowing what to do is half the battle, and enjoying what you do is crucial.  Staying in shape should be the highlight of your day, because it’s just you and the gym, and the best way to relieve stress and release some endorphins.  I pity the fool who don’t enjoy their workout, now get to work sucka!!  Yes that was a Mr. T reference…see ya at the gym!

1 comment:

  1. Love this Biles. Very versitile. I agree that P90X is one of the best routines I have come across. This isn't your Jillian Michaels 20 minute/day trim. This is an intense program for athletes who want to get ripped. I enjoyed it when I did it too. Even after doing the program, its so fun to pull out some of my favorites like the yoga and the core synergistics- two of the best workouts in the whole program if you ask me!
