Well, what I started, thinking would take several weeks to get some good results to speak of, only took 2 short weeks. With a starting weight of 176 and body fat % of 7.5, I honestly didn’t have a lot to lose, but as with most of my experiments, I am doing this as a guinea pig for my future clients so that I can speak from experience. I don’t want to tell you what to do if I don’t believe it’s going to work, especially if I didn’t get any results myself. With that being said, after just 2 weeks of eating the way I previously outlined in Eat Healthy for a Happier You, here are my results: Weight= 166.3 lbs (difference of 9.7lbs), Body Fat= 6.9% (difference of .7%).
These are truly amazing results for someone who is already in great shape to pull these kinds of numbers. I am confident that if you are in need to lose 20 or more pounds, this is your fastest route to some smaller pants! I only had one side effect which I remedied with a green tea supplement and that was a decrease in energy and strength. The dip in strength was most prominent during the end of the first week, with my body in a slight state of shock due to the new diet, but I quickly adapted and the second week I felt much better. And for those of you cynics out there that are saying, ‘See, I would never cut carbs out of my diet’, let me give you an example of my strength ‘decrease’….week before diet, my Incline Dumbbell Bench Press was 110lbs x 6reps, after one week it went down to 110 x 3. So, when I say strength decrease, it did go down, but I still had plenty of strength, and my muscle tone, if anything got much more prominent. So if you’re trying to set records in the gym, this may not be for you, but if you want to look better than you ever have in your life, I would suggest trying it out.
I was doing this to try and get in the best shape of my life for my wedding which is May 6th, but since it worked so quickly, I am going to try some other experiments, possibly a runner’s diet or strength gaining diet here in the near future, so I will keep you posted.
Before I leave you here were my favorite meals while enjoying the slow-carb diet:
-Grilled Chicken w/ Black Beans and Spinach
-Pan Seared Tilapia with Salsa, Black Beans and Spinach
-Spaghetti made with Ground Turkey, and substituted pasta with Spinach leaves.
-Lean Ground Beef Burger Patty with Pan Seared Red Bell Pepper topped w/ Salsa and Spinach
Happy Eating!!
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